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Clarinets for sale

Single clarinet case, double clarinet case. Bass clarinet case. Basset horn case, Alto clarinet case. Contrabass clarinet case. Eb clarinet case. C clarinet case. A clarinet case. Bb clarinet case.

503 Buffet E11 Clarinet in C


503 Buffet E11 Clarinet in C


The Buffet Crampon E11 C clarinet is part of Buffet’s intermediate range of instruments. Made from African Blackwood it is free blowing with reliable tuning and a warm tone. To play, it feels as easy as a plastic instrument but has the warmth of wood to its sound. The E11 is an excellent model for players with small hands and has been ergonomically designed with younger players in mind. A good option for a first wooden clarinet.

This used instrument is in great playing condition. Its been very well looked after over the years and represents great value for money. All pads seal perfectly and the clarinet plays extremely well in tune. Original case. No mouthpiece.

  • Key : C

  • 45mm Barrel

  • Stained / Lacquered African Blackwood Body

  • Adjustable thumb rest

  • Silver plated keywork

  • Keys – 17 / Rings - 6

  • Blue steel springs

  • Double fish skin Pads

Serial Number: 3080

*Condition 5


Ref: 503


Contact us for more information. Not available to purchase on-line without making contact beforehand


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